Standardized testing will take place the mornings of Nov. 11 – Nov. 15 for all students in grades 4 through 8. We digitally administer the ERB CTP-V (Educational Records Bureau Comprehensive Testing Program V). This week, we held a trial run so that students could familiarize themselves with the process and we could test our technology.
The digital version will be given to fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. These are norm-referenced tests that measure objective knowledge, which is only a small portion of the educational process. They provide information to help teachers design instructional programs. The information is used to supplement, not replace, teacher judgment. Please note that while historically in third grade we administered the tests only for practice (we did not have the tests scored), we decided to provide a different opportunity for test prep for third graders in the spring. More information will be forthcoming about the plan for 3rd grade. Families in 4th through 8th grades will receive their student’s test results before February teacher conferences.
We strive to provide an environment for testing that is relaxed and conducive to concentration. No homework will be assigned during testing week. It is very important to make sure your child gets to school well-rested, well-fed, and on time, as testing will begin each day at 8:45 a.m. If your child needs special testing accommodations as recommended by a psychoeducational evaluation, Michelle Toma-Harrold will reach out to you over the next week to confirm the accommodations plan. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your child’s teachers or Michelle. For any students who are absent for one or more days, we will make up tests on Nov. 19 – 22.