TCS is Gearing Up for Summer Bridge, 2016!

Summer learning should not be separate from summer fun! Wilma, first grade lead teacher and Summer Bridge coordinator, is looking forward to another successful summer of Bridge Camp at TCS!

This program provides ongoing opportunities for TCS rising kindergartners through rising third graders to let their imaginations run wild and stimulate creativity as they learn and practice essential literacy and math skills. Bridging learning over the summer helps curb the summer learning slide which provides students greater confidence as learners, to ask and answer more questions, listen and follow directions, and to work in groups as well as independently.

For students that need additional differentiation, a resource teacher inside the camp classroom will offer more specialized support. The  smaller groups of students are given direct instruction and concentrated academic assistance where tasks are broken down into smaller manageable segments.

For Wilma, Summer Bridge means having an opportunity for students to get more personalized instruction, build confidence, explore social growth and become engaged in lots of enrichment through game based learning in a small group setting! Isabella, a rising first grader, loved attending Summer Bridge last year, “It’s really fun and I got to learn a lot of stuff!”

It is recommended that students attend at least two consecutive weeks of Summer Bridge for full benefits. This year, Summer Bridge will host its first learning exhibition after the second and fourth sessions! We can’t wait for the fun to begin! Click here to enroll your child now in Summer Bridge! If you would like to know if you should consider Summer Bridge for your child, consult your classroom teacher or email Wilma directly at