Spirit Week, Oct. 25 – 29

Get ready to show your Wolf Pack pride during a BCC-inspired Spirit Week, Oct. 25 – 29! This year’s spirit days will focus on four of the eight character traits we celebrate throughout the school year.

  • RESPONSIBILITY (Mon., Oct. 25) – Teams who work together have many responsibilities. Wear something from your favorite team or group (sports, musical, or theatrical) today.
  • INTEGRITY (Tues., Oct. 26) – Dress as a hero who inspires you and/or be a hero and perform random acts of kindness.
  • FLEXIBILITY (Wed., Oct. 27) – Instead of wearing your school clothes, be flexible and wear your pajamas.
  • COOPERATION (Thurs., Oct. 28) – Work together with everyone in the Wolf Pack and wear your spirit gear to show your Pack pride.
  • CREATIVITY (Fri., Oct. 29) – Wear a costume that shows your creativity. Click here for costume guidelines.

If you need spirit gear, click here for the online Spirit Shop.