TCS School Blog

My Family’s Journey to TCS

Left to right: Max, Jessica, Chris and Zoe Horn My husband and I have two children - an eleven-year old…

November 13, 2016


This is an update for EDSL and Players families only:  10th Street is blocked off near the school toward Piedmont…

November 09, 2016

Fulfilling Our Dream: Campaign for The Children’s School

Campaign Co-chairs Audra Dial and Matt Ford with their son Duncan To celebrate the launch of Fulfilling Our Dream: Campaign…

November 08, 2016

Just the Facts, Ma’am

Tom in his Halloween costume Quick! What’s 14-8? Now 8x7? How about 96+7? And 96÷8? Did you “just know” those…

November 01, 2016

Happy Halloween From TCS!

We had a spooktacular time at this year's Halloween Parade! Take a look at some of the amazing costumes.

October 31, 2016

TCS Talks About Respect

This month, the students and I have been talking about ways to care for ourselves and others. These conversations have…

October 18, 2016

TCS Atlanta Fourth Graders Head Outdoors to Learn

Lynn and Joe's fourth grade class at the Black Rock Mountain summit. Fall camping season has arrived! Lynn and Joe’s…

October 17, 2016

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TCS Atlanta Preschool Students Learn Spanish Through Play!

TCS believes that exposing young kids, especially our preschool students, to a second language, is really important because the best…

October 12, 2016

Bond…Number Bond.

This is the first in a series of posts that TCS Math Specialist Tom Pittard is writing about Singapore Math. …

October 07, 2016

TCS Big/Little Buddies

Gracie (top) and Madison (bottom) One of TCS students’ favorite traditions is the Big/Little Buddy program. Older students are paired…

October 06, 2016