The First Six Weeks of School – Week Two

As we mentioned last week, this year, TCS is using The First Six Weeks of School, a responsive classroom approach that focuses on the important first six weeks of school. Careful planning in the first six weeks provides a solid foundation for student’s learning.

Week Two Ending August 28:
Last week, we taught and practiced initial routines, worked at learning names and making positive connections, and began the year’s first academic work. It’s often during the second week that the school day starts to take on a more comfortable feel as procedures and routines develop into habits. Our goals for this week are for every student to:


  • Continue to build connections with all classmates and feel part of a positive learning community.
  • Have opportunities to practice and polish routines introduced in week one and learn additional key routines.
  • Experience more academic choices and work on multi-day assignments or projects.
  • Gain more confidence in speaking and strengthen listening skills, working with partners, and as part of the whole group.
  • Work together to finalize the classroom rules in Grades 3-4, or finish learning goals (or hopes and dreams) for the year in grades K-2.