Lynn Wright, Fourth Grade Teacher

We’re introducing you to our TCS teachers! So far, you’ve met ToddKatieSallyKellyKelley,  MichelleLuciusJuliaPaul, and Michele Smith.

Today, we’re introducing you to Lynn Wright, fourth-grade teacher!

Lynn has been teaching for 19 years with 17 of those years right here at TCS. Her first teaching job was at Fernbank Elementary School where she worked in the resource department with kids ranging from second-sixth grade for a year and then taught kindergarten. She started out at TCS teaching second grade and moved to fourth grade the following year where she’s taught for 16 years.

What skills do you hope your students will learn by the time they leave your classroom? How are you preparing them to learn these skills?
One of the many skills I want the children to have when they leave my class is a love of reading. I read for pleasure all the time, and it brings me such joy. I read aloud to our class as often as we can squeeze in time. I think once students learn to read independently, they don’t get to hear stories read to them enough. I think listening to a good story is a great gift.

What about teaching makes you excited to come to school every day?
I love the people. The kids make me laugh all the time, and it is great to be around such goodness all day. And my colleagues are some of the finest people I know. There is a lot of love on this campus!

Tell us about one of the most rewarding moments in your teaching career.
For me, the most rewarding moments are when former students come visit or when I run into them somewhere in town. Many of them are in college or high school now, and it is wonderful to see how they have grown into beautiful young adults. It feels good to think that I had a small part in that.

Which fictional character would you most like to meet?
I think it would be fun to hang out with Pippi Longstocking! I would enjoy going on an adventure or two with her.

What is something none of your students know about you?
One summer I went to Italy to learn how to make handmade paper.